Saturday, May 9, 2015

Introducing the International Sacral Agenesis Caudal Regression Association

I haven't blogged in quite a while, but in the meantime, the International Sacral Agenesis Caudal Regression Association (iSACRA) has been founded. I'm proud to say that I am a founding board member of iSACRA and helped get it started along with several wonderful, very dedicated people.

On June 6, we will be celebrating our second anniversary. Our Facebook group now has almost 650 members! And next week we are having our first really big fundraiser, a 5K in Virginia! I think there are exciting things ahead for iSACRA, and I look forward to continuing to get to know the members.


Unknown said...

I sent an email hope to be added to your face book page. My daughter is 6 days old and has CRS. Pls help with info I hate the unknown and I feel that's all there is right now no answers to so so many questions.

Danielle said...

Hi. Nice to hear from you. Congrats on the birth of your baby! I sent you an instant message on Facebook with information on how to join the Facebook group, but now I see that you just joined! I look forward to talking with you!

Unknown said...

My aughter is 4months old I'm left with no answers no where to go to turn too..

Danielle said...

Have you had any reply about joining the group? Please email me at and I'll find you more information.